Can't find js console

Hi, so sorry for the inconvenience,

I’m really trying to open the javascript console as my app is running ingame to debug. I believe I’ve turned all the debug settings on in the manifest and turned the option for the dev tools to open on app load to true, but I thought I’d see a javascript console and I can’t see it anywhere. Where should it be? How can I get it to show? None of the dev tools are showing up when I open the app window

First of all, always feel free to ask questions here!
Now, just to verify, you have:

  • Enabled the registry flag
  • Restarted your device (usually it works without, but it’s sometimes required)
  • Turned on an app
  • And then either:
    • Selected its window
    • Pressed ctrl+shift+i
  • Or
    • Gone to settings → About → Development options
    • Scrolled to the relevant app, and clicked one of its windows under the fourth row “Windows”

And also, if you have followed all of these steps - does it work if you try it on the settings app (for the second approach you’ll need to tick “show built-in packages” in development options)?