Clash events do throw errors in LEP and are not forwarded to client

Issue Description:
The clash events throw errors in LEP and are not forwarded to client
Example of this in the LEP logs:

2020-09-05 18:10:03,848 (ERROR) </dist//launchers/league_of_legends/lcu/socket_manager.js> (:18) - Error: || Parameter in position 2 does not match required structure of OdkV2GameEventsInfo:
Unexpected character encountered while parsing value: [. Path 'value', line 1, position 74.

Impact for my app: Mid

Do you currently have a workaround?

Please reproduce and attach a zip package of your OW client logs (2.4 MB)

@trebonius0 Can you please add the exact steps to reproduce?

This occurs when the players is in lobby for clash

We’ll try fixing it next week

@trebonius0 it’s should be fixed already. I’m closing the ticket.
If there is an issue please mention me and I’ll reopen it.
