[Discuss] overwolf.windows.bringToFront causes window to restore

Issue Description:

overwolf.windows.bringToFront has multiple overrides.
I’m trying to use bringToFront(windowId, grabFocus, callback), and it causes my window to leave maximized state.
on the other hand, if I use bringToFront(grabFocus, callback), it works just fine

Can you reproduce it (exact steps to reproduce):


  1. open any Overwolf App window that can be maximized (e.g: Outplayed, Tftactics, etc)
  2. maximize the window
  3. call bringToFront(windowId, grabFocus, callback)
  4. window moves as intend to front, but it leave maximized mode
    Same flow with bringToFront(grabFocus, callback) will do the same without the said issue

Impact for my app:

medium~high (effects about 20K DAU)

Do you currently have a workaround?

No (as we must specify the window id for the said call)

we will look into it

fixed at version 195