Game events are not triggered in the plugin

Issue Description:
After installation process, we launch OW(+ Flexer Recorder plugin).
Then launch the Game (CS:GO -insecure) and do the kills.

According to logs: our plugin is running, but didn’t intercept any of in-game process related to events, for example OWGamesEvents.start(), that we called it in our code.
Long story short: plugin worked, but didn’t notice that the game starts

Logs path(2 game sessions):

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Installation Flexer App (OW download automatically)
  2. Launch Flexer App and OW (+ Flexer Recorder plugin)
  3. Start a game - CS:GO (-insecure), deathmatch with bots.
  4. Created events (Do the Kills)
  5. Leave a game
  6. Check Flexer Editor “Gameplay” tab. Empty video folder.

Impact for my app: High
Do you currently have a workaround? No (58.8 KB) (59.6 KB)

The logs seem to have been sent before something happened (both).
Could you please try to reproduce it again and then try to relaunch CSGO 1-2 times and only then send the logs?

Both logs archives were created immediately after the game process with events (kills)

This is the Logs after full reinstall of OW and Flexer App on the same PC, so events not triggered from time to time.
So in the archive attached you can find 2 log files:

  1. Apps\Flexer\background.html.1.log
    It’s a first session of game (CS:GO). Without events (game start not triggered).

  2. Apps\Flexer\background.html.log
    Second session in the same game, but events are triggered - line 5 - [ow-game-events] START.
    But in this case we have another issue:
    Method return null - line 100.
    We use it to provide video game info from our plugin to Editor (video items) (108.0 KB)

@enterpredator is the behavior is the same as in WoT? I mean - does it works after you relaunch the game?

@eransharv, no. It’s separate cases. This bug occurs from time to time for unknown reason.

ok so what exactly are the steps to reproduce. @enterpredator

@eransharv it’s described in 1st message of this thread.
I just provide all info (3 logs pack) for demonstrate the floating nature of this bug.

@tom.wolf @eransharv any updates by resolving of this issue?

Looking into it - however, it seems it would be easier to continue on slack. Is that possible?

Yes, sure. You can mention me as Eugene Smykov there

  1. overwolf start run at 14:15:47,220,

  2. your app first launch at 14:16:27,198
    3 .than you close the app at 2020-08-05 14:17:00,406 (INFO) [UI] WebBrowser - Dispose Browser host: background
    CSGO detected at 14:18:44,306 (on first run detection of process may take 1- 2 mintuins) (background.html.1.log)

  3. once CDGO detected Flex app started at 14:19:35,356, (background.html.log),
    and you you app got all evetnt

  4. CSGO exit at 14:25:47,461

  5. so thats whay you get ‘null’ at GameInfoUpdated (becasue game exited)
    2020-08-05 14:26:19,341 (INFO) </dist/background/background.js> (:650) - Get running game info: null

@eransharv @enterpredator Can we close this ticket?

@itayG from my end - yes. Elad gave the exact info for the root cause.
@enterpredator Is everything clear and make sense? If so, I would like to go ahead and close this ticket.

@eransharv @itayG
Yes, i think so.

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