GEP memory consumption reaches 1GB [Hearthstone]


Some Firestone users have reported that Overwolf was using a lot of memory. I suspected that Firestone had a memory leak, so I asked them to send me a screenshot of the memory consumption of the various processes:

Firestone itselfs looks reasonable, but OW’s footprint looks pretty big.

I also asked them to send me their full logs: (880.5 KB)

The interesting part is this:

 id  | Running | Session length | Average CPU | Average memory | Avg last CPU | Avg last Memory | Avg. 5 min CPU | Avg 5 min memory | Last Run
1    | True    | 11:03:03       | 0.0%        | 130,934K       | 0.0%         | 130,934K        | 0.0%           | 254,598K         |                
2    | True    | 11:03:03       | 0.0%        | 36,326K        | 0.0%         | 36,326K         | 0.0%           | 44,619K          |                
3    | True    | 11:03:03       | 0.0%        | 14,392K        | 0.0%         | 14,392K         | 0.0%           | 28,001K          |                
4    | True    | 02:50:57       | 0.0%        | 97,385K        | 0.0%         | 97,485K         | 0.2%           | 948,873K         |                
5    | True    | 07:04:30       | 0.0%        | 212,760K       | 0.0%         | 212,760K        | 0.5%           | 414,723K         |                
6    | True    | 07:04:30       | 0.0%        | 23,258K        | 0.0%         | 23,258K         | 0.0%           | 47,792K          |                
7    | True    | 00:55:31       | 0.0%        | 44,301K        | 0.1%         | 58,305K         | 0.2%           | 166,439K         |    

id 4 is the GEP, which had a spike at almost 1GB.
They were playing Battlegrounds, and their game session was about 1h long so far.

Are there some known memory issues with the GEP?
And is it possible to deactivate completely the GEP on specific games if need be?

FYI, these are the registered GEP features, in case it can help:

    readonly g_interestedInFeatures = [
        'scene_state', // Used to detect when the UI shows the game
        'match_info', // For the GEP game ID

@sebastientromp, we suspect that a CEF issue is the root cause. We are not sure, though.
As the first step, the client version should be updated from 166.1.13 to the latest.
Hopefully, that will solve the memory leak.

Besides, we can see that the user has Hearthstone Deck Tracker running at the same time as when the leak occurred. So maybe a good idea for elimination will be to disable Hearthstone Deck Tracker and try to reproduce it.


BattlegroundsWindow.html.1.log (772.1 KB)

MainWindow.html.99.log (1.3 MB)

@sebastientromp another thing that can affect performance is a massive log printing done in a short time.
I’m seeing that both Manastorm and Firestone log files are spammed with errors/warnings

This can happen when a new HS patch is out and the parser has not yet been updated. But it’s a good point, and this info is not useful anymore, so I’ll remove it from Firestone.
Manastorm is not maintained anymore though, and probably should be removed altogether from all OW installs (I think there was a plan to do that, no?).

And for my personal curiosity, what is the link between the GEP memory consumption and logs done by the app? Does the GEP handle app-wise logging as well?

Not sure about the link between GEP and other app logs, we’ll check that.