Kill events for all players for my ligue system

Related Games: Fortnite

Related app/team name (not a must if you want to keep it private):
I’ve got a Fortnite Tournament Website where you can create your own competitive events. You can specify the points per kill and placement. At the moment players are writing their results to a discord channel and my discord bot picks up the results and stores them. The results are immediately shown in discord and on this website. I want to run my overwolf app at the organisator who is watching and commenting the match on twitch. The app shall collect every kill so that the standings are automatically calculated without anyone entering them in discord. This system will be opened for all twitch streamers who want to make own competitive events. That’s the plan. I would like to have an overwolf app collecting the results instead of this discord bot.

  • Feature Description: every kill is written on the lower left side of the screen - a game event should report every kill
  • impact for my app: [low, mid, high, show-stopper]. high
  • What is your current pain point? I’m only getting my own kills which is useless for competitive events where I want the standings to be automatically calculated
  • What do you have in mind to solve it? When every kill is fired in a game event I’ll be able to provide my system to the community