[League of Legends] GameEvents Damage Values incoherent

Related Games: League of Legends
Related app/team name (not a must if you want to keep it private): -
Issue Description: When using the lol-events sample app to monitor the feature “damage” and logging “total_damage_dealt”, damage values are not as expected the total damage values in the current game added up. The damage values go up and down, as if this is the infliceted damabe in the last x seconds of the game.
Can you reproduce it (exact steps to reproduce):

  1. Using the lol-events sample (GitHub - overwolf/events-sample-apps: centralised repo for all the game events sample apps)
  2. Setting interedteInFeatures to “damage” only
  3. Watching the log output during a PracticeTool game.

main.js and console logs are in attachments.zip.

Impact for my app: [e.g. x% of the users complained about it, it’s a show-stopper] -
Do you currently have a workaround? No.

Please reproduce and attach a zip package of your OW client logs
attachments.zip (2.2 KB)
OverwolfLogs_2021-07-05_13-43-42.zip (2.5 MB)
Please mention the time of the event so we can find it easily in the logs
Issue takes place around 2021-07-05 12:43:33.

Hi, and thanks for the feedback.

We will check the issue and we will update you here.


@Dhalion It’s a known bug that already in our backlog. We will update you when a fix is released (currently no ETA yet).

Thanks for your patience.