Map and site selection accessibility for Rainbow Six Siege

  • Feature Description: The map a match is being played on can be retrieved. The site defenders have chosen can be retrieved per round.
  • impact for my app: mid
  • What is your current pain point?
    There is no current workaround to this and without it, I can’t track map/site-specific statistics such as win/loss.
  • What do you have in mind to solve it?
    Map name is retrievable from the match_info event. Site name can be retrieved from a round event, roundOutcome would be optimal for my usage.

@CousieG sorry for the delay and welcome to our community.
We had some tech issues that prevent me from seeing your post. And I’m sorry about that.

Is that issue is still relevant? ?

Thanks for the response @eransharv.
I want to build a personal performance tracker, which I’ve put on the back burner for now since I don’t have the required event information.

For example which maps/sites are my strongest, which are my weakest?
Also potentially data farm map/site performance statistics from users.

@CousieG OK. Now it’s clear. You mean the maps before you enter the match and between rounds when you get a choice of location to spawn in the map.

We can create a feature request and check if we can extract that info, but the right process is to contact our developer’s relations team, tell them about your app idea, and take it from them.

Their email is


Awesome! Thanks, @eransharv.
Currently busy with a sprint deliverable at my work, but I’ll be sure to contact them when I get a breather :slightly_smiling_face: