obtainDeclaredWindow error with native window and useDefaultSizeAndLocation to true

@dowmeister, so I tested it again. And I can see that it looks that the getMainWindow() is working as expected.

My test is to run this line:

var x =overwolf.windows.getMainWindow(console.log); x.location.pathname;

The expected result would be /build/index.html, as the object returns your bg page’s path.

So the DesktopWindow passed the test, both when set to native and non-native, and it seems that the issue is not on the getMainWindow() function (to be honest, there was no change on this function recently, and it’s hard to believe that such a bug would pass without further complains from other apps).

Having said that, I can clearly see some strange issues when the DesktopWindow was set to true: the app is not always launched, the version number is not printed on the bottom-left as you mentioned, etc.

So these are the insights for now. If you are not finding the issue from your side, I will have to escalate it to our R&D for further investigation.

BTW - maybe it’s better to create a new ticket - as it’s not the original issue.

@eransharv unfortunately i cannot fin any clue about it, because the app works correctly always but when change only the native_window on DesktopWindow strange things happens.

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@dowmeister OK, I will forward it for further investigation.

any update on this?
opening a native window with useDefaultSizeAndLocation still fire null reference.

I would really set my Desktop Window as native.

@dowmeister hi, I fowrared it to our R&D. I will udpate you with an ETA ASAP.