overwolf.games.launchers.getRunningLaunchersInfo returns incorrect info

Issue Description:
When running multiple lol clients (official and PBE), getRunningLaunchersInfo function returns an array with the same object (Overwolf doesn’t recognize which client - official or PBE is open and replaces the first client in the array with the second one that launch)

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Launch official league client
  2. Run overwolf.games.launchers.getRunningLaunchersInfo => results should be fine
  3. Launch PBE client
  4. Run overwolf.games.launchers.getRunningLaunchersInfo => returns 2 PBE clients in the array instead of:
    1st object: official client info
    2nd object: PBE client info

Impact for my app:

Can you please refresh getRunningLaunchersInfo info when the client is terminated ?

Hi Uzi,
Currently, we can’t distinguish between the lol official l launcher and the lol PBE launcher, due to technical limitations. In other games like PUBG we can identify it.
Is it critical for your OW app?

Hey Eran,

Thank you for the quick reply :slight_smile:
Can you please refresh getRunningLaunchersInfo info when the client is terminated ?

To clarify - you are saying that the getRunningLaunchersInfo returns two launchers even though you killed one? (and only one client is running)

getRunningLaunchersInfo returns one launcher but the wrong one, steps to reproduce:

open launchers in that order:

  1. official league client
  2. PBE client

the results are 2 pbe clients.

now close the PBE client.

getRunningLaunchersInfo will return PBE info and not the the official client that actually open.
it seems like one of the objects removed from the launchers array instead of refreshing the launchers info.

Hi Uzi,

I wanted to update that it was a bug that fixed in the OW client version 0.131.
Please wait till the fix is applied in the next version update.
With your permission, I will mark this issue as done for now. Please update if it’s still not working as expected after the version update.

is it available on QA channel ?

yes, it’s available for QA Version 0.131

tested on QA version, issue still exist

Thanks for the info. checking. I will update soon.

@uzi can you please tell me how do you know that " getRunningLaunchersInfo will return PBE info and not the official client that open"?

@eransharv you can open the console and follow this steps to reproduce:

open launchers in that order:

  1. official league client
  2. PBE client

the results are 2 pbe clients.

now close the PBE client.

run getRunningLaunchersInfo and see the results.

In that stage we need getRunningLaunchersInfo to return official league client.

FYI: I created a bug report on this one, so the RnD team will investigate and prioritise it.

internal issue ID: ODK-199

@uzi fixed in version 132. You should test it when this version will be released.
Please let me know if that worked for you, so we can close this issue.

@eransharv tested on QA channel version issue still exist.
also this is my command line returned by getRunningLaunchersInfo.

““D:/Riot Games/PBE/LeagueClientUx.exe” “–self-update-uuid=9948a73f-0e5c-3045-96e2-d27942567072” “–remoting-auth-token=2dvIrCs6iF6XrMvjiISAXQ” “–respawn-command=LeagueClient.exe” “–respawn-display-name=League of Legends” “–app-port=51475” “–install-directory=D:/Riot Games/PBE” “–app-name=LeagueClient” “–ux-name=LeagueClientUx” “–ux-helper-name=LeagueClientUxHelper” “–log-dir=LeagueClient Logs” “–bugsplat-name=league_client_riotgames_com” “–bugsplat-platform-id=PBE1” “–app-log-file-path=D:/Riot Games/PBE/Logs/LeagueClient Logs/2019-06-23T15-19-00_2328_LeagueClient.log” “–app-pid=2328” “–no-proxy-server””

“D:/SteamLibrary/LeagueClientUx.exe “–remoting-auth-token=WGXM887ZkR0qnTJozrjHSg” “–respawn-command=LeagueClient.exe” “–respawn-display-name=League of Legends” “–app-port=51547” “–install-directory=D:/SteamLibrary” “–app-name=LeagueClient” “–ux-name=LeagueClientUx” “–ux-helper-name=LeagueClientUxHelper” “–log-dir=LeagueClient Logs” “–bugsplat-name=league_client_riotgames_com” “–bugsplat-platform-id=EUW1” “–app-log-file-path=D:/SteamLibrary/Logs/LeagueClient Logs/2019-06-23T15-22-03_2424_LeagueClient.log” “–app-pid=2424” “–no-proxy-server””

can it help us to recognize that it’s a different client and push the correct info into the response ?

@uzi it’s not released yet on the QA version. Please wait till 0.132 will be released on the Developers channel.

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Yotam fixed it :slight_smile:
Can you guys also add the ability to distinguish between game in PBE and regular game?

I don’t think it’s possible from some tech limitation. @Heaser can you please clarify if it’s doable or not?

@eransharv, we spoker, you can close this ticket. thank you.