Overwolf settings & Autolaunch for Unsupported Injection games

Feature Description:

Overwolf is capable of detecting game processes, but not always inject it’s overlay into them.

As we are able to support such games, we would like the users to be able to toggle auto-launch off/on via the overwolf settings.

We understand that the section in the Overwolf settings currently represents only overlay enabled games, but as games may support these games, they should be able to toggle the auto-launch for these games too.

In addition, as overwolf toggles auto-launch automatically, will allow us to auto-detect the game as it is first launched.

impact for my app: [low, mid, high, show-stopper].


What is your current pain point?

users that go and check their game settings in Overwolf settings don’t get the full picture on their games

What do you have in mind to solve it?

Expand the Overwolf Overlay & Hotkeys Settings to show games without Overlay and hotkeys support.
Visually, it would look identical to an Overlay game, but without the hotkeys

Thank you for the suggestion! We will take a look at this feature, and keep you updated as it progresses.

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