[overwolf.streaming.setStreamingMode] Changing StreamingMode doesn't work in desktop

Issue Description:

calling overwolf.streaming.setStreamingMode(windowId,overwolf.streaming.StreamingMode.Never) while recording the desktop doesn’t do anything.

Can you reproduce it (exact steps to reproduce):


  1. Start recording desktop (e.g: using outplayed screen recorder)
  2. open an overwolf window (can be any window)
  3. open the window’s devtools
  4. get the current window’s id (using overwolf.windows.getCurrentWindow)
  5. run the following line: overwolf.streaming.setStreamingMode("your-window-id",overwolf.streaming.StreamingMode.Never)
  6. stop recording desktop
  7. see captured video

Window should not be captured

Window is still captured as if the command was never called

Impact for my app:

Medium (will effect all of our screen recorder users: ~3K DAU)

Do you currently have a workaround?


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Thanks, we’ll check and update soon.

it’s not supprot in desktop mode (or OGL, dx12, vulkan games)

Hmm, I see.
is it somehow possible to support it?
I understand that it’s not a bug but rather a feature request. (if needed, I can open a new discuss for it)

for screen capture its not possible.

for OGL, DX12 and vulkan it is in our road map, but it will take time to implement it

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