[overwolf.tray] Dedicated tray menu icon causes setMenu to throw

Issue Description:

We saw that our feature request for a dedicated tray icon was implemented in version 201.
While testing it, we found out that on initial insatallation, the tray fails to initialize until app is disabled and then enabled again. until then, setMenu method throws a weird error.

Looking at Overwolf’s logs, we saw the following:

2022-08-10 22:25:30,037 (ERROR) [cghph ID 60][13796] <217.38MB> ExtensionTray - Failed to create tray icon: : System.IO.FileNotFoundException: C:\Users\Eliran lanzer\AppData\Local\Overwolf\Temp\a8143a970fd94424b3c4b2f2facd536d\tray-icon.ico
   at System.Drawing.Icon.ExtractAssociatedIcon(String filePath, Int32 index)
   at OverWolf.Client.BL.Managers.ExtensionTray.CreateNotifyIcon(ExtensionData ext)
2022-08-10 22:25:30,040 (ERROR) [cghph ID 60][13796] <216.72MB> ExtensionsTrayManager - Failed to create extension tray: : System.Exception: Icon creation failed
   at OverWolf.Client.BL.Managers.ExtensionTray..ctor(String extensionId)
   at OverWolf.Client.BL.Managers.ExtensionsTrayManager.CreateExtensionTray(String appId, ExtensionTrayMenu menu)

it fails to load the tray icon until overwolf restarts.

We do not know if it happens on updates as well, but we cannot integrate it at its current state.

Can you reproduce it (exact steps to reproduce):


  1. Download the following Outplayed opk: outplayed-82.0.3475.opk
  2. Install & open outplayed
  3. See that the tray doesn’t work.
  4. go to Overwolf/packages
  5. disabled & enable outplayed
  6. open outplayed again
  7. the tray now works perfectly fine

Impact for my app:

Blocking us from implementing a requested feature, but not in high priority (mid)

Do you currently have a workaround?


User Logs:

OverwolfLogs_2022-08-10_23-47-19.zip (1.3 MB)