[OW Installer] OW tagged installer does not apply the dedicated app experience

Issue Description:
The tagger seems to change the name of file.

However once the installer is launched it does not display the app tile nor the app name in the header.

The user is also unable to add the app shortcut to desktop

Once the installation outplayed is done the app will be launched smoothly.
**The desktop shortcut is not added

Can you reproduce it (exact steps to reproduce):

  1. go to Overwolf Web Store
  2. download an app
  3. attempt to install it

Impact for my app: very high (effects all new users and can badly effect retention)

Do you currently have a workaround? No

User Logs:
OverwolfLogs_2021-07-26_11-52-04.zip (93.7 KB)

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Thanks, we’re looking into it

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From the validaiton we’ve done, this issue no longer happens.
We consider it closed

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