Recording options do not work properly for CSGO

Related app/team name (not a must if you want to keep it private): Insights Capture

Issue Description:
Some capture settings do not work in CSGO without the -allow_third_party_software launch option.

  1. When CSGO is in windowed mode, instead of recording just the CSGO game window, the whole desktop is recorded.
  2. When the record setting is set to never record the app, the app UI will still get recorded.

An update to this support article says apps can run without special launch options, but the above cases still require the -allow_third_party_software launch option.

The above issues are not seen in other Dx games.

Can you reproduce it (exact steps to reproduce):

  1. launch CSGO without any launch options
  2. record something while CSGO is in windowed mode to see issue 1 above.
  3. Go to Insights Capture app settings and change the “Record overlay windows” option to “Never” (Stream Recorder > Record overlay windows)
  4. Record something, then watch the recording. See issue 2 appear.
  5. re-launch CSGO with -allow_third_party_software launch option
  6. repeat steps 2-4, and the issues won’t appear

Do you currently have a workaround? No

Since we changed the overlay type for CSGO, only fullscreen-borderless (game) video settings allow Overwolf to record correctly.

Luckily, we already added support for “windowed” mode recording (for the relevant games) on Overwolf version 176 (that will be released in about 3-4 weeks).

Please DM me on Slack if you would like to test this new version.

FYI I closed the ticket. But feel free to mention Itay or me if it needed to reopen.

Noted and thanks. I will wait for the “windowed” recording mode support to roll out and test it at a later date.