Subscription plan removed

A user recently rated us 1 star due to seeing ads even though he pays,
looking on the dev console, i see there is no subscription plan attached to the app (used to be 47, and the app expects it to be so)
the registered users have a warning sign next to their plan id column :frowning:
any ideas how we can resolve this quickly?
(Predator is the app btw :slight_smile: )

@eransharv our plan also missing, premium users see ads.

We have something weird too. I see that I’m premium but when I go to “plans” in the dashboard there’s an error.

Hi Asaf, the guys updated me that the management system is down but it should not affect the actual users plan status…
only 1 user complained on our side, but we could not contact him… and since my plan expired and the console is down - i cant test myself.
for some of our users there is NO issue atm… so its not a meltdown, but cant say there is no issue at all.

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Hi guys,

Please update here if you are still having any issues with the dev console or subscriptions.