Twitch Extension Integration - Credentials for the PubSub authentication


where can I find/get the CLIENT_KEY and CLIENT_SECRET credentials for the

  broadcaster: OUR_STREAMER_ID, //the Twitch channel ID that you get from the Twitch API
  client_key: CLIENT_KEY,
  client_secret: CLIENT_SECRET

as described here:


It clearly says “Providing the credentials obtained from Overwolf” but I got no clue where to find it.

So, the two ids should be:
client_key - authentication key gotten from twitch after logging in with the specific user
client_secret - the api key given by twitch for this specific app, after registering it with them.

We will also update the documentation to reflect this in the near future, so let me know if you encounter any other problems with this!


client_key - authentication key gotten from twitch after logging in with the specific user - what do you mean by specific user ? Where should I login into twitch to get that key ? Do you mean twitch OAuth or normal login form on the twitch page ?

client_secret - the api key given by twitch for this specific app, after registering it with them - what do you mean by specific app. We are not going to develop any overwolf app, just use this one : Twitch Game Events. The streamer logs into twitch within this app, starts the CS:GO game and this app passes the in-game events to your PubSub server. We try to connect to the same PubSub server from our backend service to listen for the incoming events from the streamer’s game - as I understand I need to pass this streamer’s twitch id as the broadcaster: OUR_STREAMER_ID param but still I don’t understand how can I obtain the rest of the params for authentication request.

I’ve already tried to authenticate using some CLIENT_ID and CLIENT_SECRET from the our twitch extension, but I got 401 Unauthorized error.

As the conlusion: could you give more details about getting the values for the CLIENT_KEY and CLIEND_SECRET you mentioned in the previous message ?

Also there is a sample app provided by overwolf : twitch-game-events-ebs-sample/index.js at master · overwolf/twitch-game-events-ebs-sample · GitHub.

The example params in this file:

const CLIENT_KEY = 'OW123456789ABCDEF';
const CLIENT_SECRET = '11111111111111111111111111111111';

seem to be generated on your side, not on the twitch side (twitch client_id and client_secret has a little bit different format).

Interesting. I’ll take a deeper look into it and get back to you.

So, the keys are in fact different. The specific keys are generated on a per-app basis. As such, simply get in touch with your dev-rel manager, and ask them for a new pair of keys, and they will send them to you!

Hope that helps!

edit: In case an app is not released yet, and you do not have a dev-rel manager, simply submit an app proposal, and mention that you wish to work with twitch extensions. The team will take it from there, and help you obtain your own set of keys